Ontrack Asset Management Los Angeles

The Top 10 Things Every HOA Resident in Los Angeles Should Know!

  • Know the Rules created by the HOA Board. This will help you understand and obey any mitations, by-laws and other rules and regulation implemented to maintain the community.
  • Remember that you must pay your Los Angeles HOA fees on-time. By not paying or paying you dues late will result in fines, liens and in very extreme cases, foreclosure.
  • Never ignore any type of communications from Los Angeles homeowner association, especially any notices that may regard outstanding dues, rule changes/violations, or fines. The HOA board is created to make sure all Los Angeles homeowners’ are treated equally, which also includes placing liens and taking more serious measures to makes sure all policies are implemented accordingly.
  • Always maintain your property according to HOA governing rules and policies. If you will be making any additions to your home, remember to contact your HOA board and clear it with them first.
  • Be aware that HOA approval is generally needed before making improvements. This includes all exterior improvements to the home and also some interior improvements.
  • Know that your association has certain responsibilities to the membership including compliance with federal and state laws, fiduciary responsibility by board members, elections, meeting notices, meetings, due process and much more as defined in the covenants and by laws.
  • It is important to stay well informed and to be a part of the homeowner association business. Attend meetings, annual meetings, understand budgeting and even volunteer to serve as part of the board if you have time.
  • Make sure that the HOA board has all your current contact information including telephone numbers.
  • If you rent out your home, let the tenants know that they must comply with HOA rules. Remember that homeowners are held responsible for all tenant/guest actions so make this clear for anyone living in your home.
  • Know the members of the board and also who to contact when needed. Maintain contact information on hand with information about who is in charge as HOA representative, on-site employees, property management company information and any other information regarding the board.